Pfe S.p.A. in the context of transparency activities, has equipped itself with the following tools:

The provisions contained in these three documents are binding to all employees, none excluded or excepted, including consultants, external collaborators, customers, suppliers, subcontractors and stakeholders in general.

The oversight of the Organization, Management, and Control Model as well as the Corporate Code of Ethics is entrusted to the Oversight Body, which is composed of entirely external members. Anyone wishing to report violations of the Model and/or the Code of Ethics can address the Oversight Body using the methods outlined below. In parallel, a dedicated Corruption Prevention Function has been established for reporting incidents of corruption/extortion committed within the company.

Reports can be submitted:

– to the Oversight Body using the dedicated Whistleblowing platform (formerly Legislative Decree 24/2023) provided below and/or by sending a sealed letter addressed to the Oversight Body at the company’s headquarters or through any other suitable means deemed appropriate;

  • – to the Corruption Prevention Function also via email at

Please note that: 1) both bodies are autonomous and independent from the company and its administrators and cannot disclose the information acquired during their functions; 2) reports must not result in any retaliation against the whistleblower, and it is prohibited for anyone to search for and/or use the received information for purposes other than those related to the report; 3) the anonymity of the whistleblower is guaranteed.

The link to submit a report (Whistleblowing) regarding illicit or attempted behaviors, or irregularities within the company that you are aware of, addressed to the Oversight Body (identified as the Manager of the reports) is as follows:

Each report is always a favorable opportunity to contribute to the healthy growth of the Company.